Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Start of Wee School

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This morning was Sam’s first day of Wee School.  The pic below is last years first day pic.IMG_5356

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He was so excited this morning.  Pic below-last year.wee

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Look how big this boy is…with his sissy’s cup..ha!

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Mommy was not getting out the door fast enough this morning!

We have been doing better in the mornings than I thought we would do.  I am doing as much as I can the night before.  I get everyone’s clothes out and ready and cups made and ready in the fridge.  I get ready and then wake the kids up, get them dressed, and then we are out the door.  They are doing so good at Melinda’s and wave bye to me from the door…no tears!  This was their first morning without Sam and I was a little worried, but they did great!

Sam has still been sleeping in his toddler bed.  His crib will convert into a full side bed and we have needed to covert it for a while now, but I have just been putting it off.  Well lately he has been throwing a fit about his bed!  He tells me he needs a big boy bed, that he wants me to tear it up, and last night the best yet…”I hate that STUPID bed”!  What????  We don’t say stupid!!!!  It was like he was cussing me!  So look what was in his room when we got home today…

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We had some rain today, so E went and bought everything and put it together.  The kids had a big time climbing all over it!

So, Nonna had some sheets at our house and I had a comforter here so we have put it together for now.  I need to go shopping for some new bedding, not sure when that will happen.  But, that boy went right to bed tonight…so EXCITED!  The stupid bed is gone!!!

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This is what happens when I take the babies pacy from them to take a pic…ha!  Melinda has been working on helping me start weaning them off.  They just have it at nap time at her house, so we are making progress.

This week has been super busy, but we made it!  Tomorrow night E and I are going to dinner with a bunch of our friends and we are both excited!  We are leaving the babies with a babysitter for the first time (besides family and Sandra), I know they will be fine…I hope the sitter will:)

Have a great weekend!

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