Monday, March 28, 2011

Brown Bear, Brown Bear

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

This was one of Sam’s favorite books. When he was around 17 months old I could ask him to identify each animal on the back and he could!  He can now “read” the entire book to the babies.  Of course he has it memorized, but they love it!  They sit so still and take in every bit of it.  Jessica and I were talking about how much more time we spent reading to Sam and Parker than we do our babies.  It is just so hard to fit it all in.  I hope to really start to work on that.Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?IMG_8348

Sam also loved and can almost recite Goodnight Moon.   For his birthday Nonna gave him a recordable copy with her voice.


Now he would rather read these books (not my favorite), he has like a million.


Dana got Sam these precious books featuring a “Sam” for his birthday.  Isn’t that a great gift idea!!!IMG_8351



This Melissa and Doug puzzle was one of BB’s tonsil gifts and Sam can put it together all by himself and is so proud!

The “For Sale Friday” items sold, there will be more this Friday.

1 comment:

LHobbs said...

I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one feeling guilty about this! Your kids are adorable and you are so blessed!