Saturday, September 15, 2012

Our Week in Pics


I took this pic of Sawyer in the doctor’s office.  He has had the hardest month, but has been such a trooper!!! We went back to the doctor last Sunday because he was coughing his head off AGAIN! He had tonsillitis and a double ear infection so they put him on antibiotics.  He didn’t sleep at all Tuesday night or Wednesday night.  Thursday morning we woke up and he had spots all over his feet.  A girl in his class had Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease and I had a bad feeling that was what it was.  Nonna took him to the doctor for me so I could work and sure enough that’s what he has.  His tonsils and ears still looked bad so the doctor switched his antibiotics.  We see the ENT Tuesday!


This kid is about more than I can take!  A couple of weeks ago E was painting the babies beds and his sweat was dripping on the beds.  He asked if I had a sweat band and this was all I could find.  This week, I get to Mrs. Lacey’s to pick up Sam after school and he is wearing it.  Apparently, he snuck it in his back pack and wore it all day at school.  She said everyone would ask him if it was his Mommy’s and he would reply, no my Daddy’s! I’m sure he got some looks!


One reason I haven’t been getting much sleep!!!!!!!!! One by one they all end up in my bed! I do put jammies on them…don’t ask me where they are?????


Carlton came and cut E’s corn behind our house and he was nice enough to let Sam come along! 

Today we are staying home and resting! 

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