Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Children's Hospital

I mentioned I wish my kids would get well, yeah not so much. Last Thursday the kids and I came to Sheridan. Saturday I noticed Sawyer seemed warm. He had a rough night and by Sunday morning he was burning up. I called and got him in to the Children's Hospital after hours clinic. Mom kept Sam and Bax for me and Audra went with me to take him. By the time we arrived his temp was almost 104. They did some blood work and gave him some Tylenol. They sent us over for a chest x-ray (which is the strangest looking thing ever)! When we made it back to the clinic his temp was down to 100 and all the tests looked good. They sent us home and told me if his fever came back up to call. So I dropped Audra off and we went back to moms. Later in the afternoon his fever was back to 103.9 so I called them back. He was crying every time we moved him, which concerned them so they told us to take him to the ER. So, I picked Audra back up (who by the way may never have kids after the day I put her through) and we headed back to the hospital. They immediately took us back and did more blood work and test. His fever was 105 and they decided to do a spinal tap and give him an IV. This was by far the hardest day I have had in a LONG time. His heart rate was REALLY high so they admitted us to the hospital and we stayed two nights. We are back at moms now and he is doing great. He just had a BAD virus and is no longer running fever.
This is my calm sweet boy and he had been SO UPSET, broke my heart. He felt so bad! These are pics I took with my phone, once he was feeling so much better (day 3). I was a nervous wreck up to this point.

Mrs. Donna came and stayed with us in the hospital. I couldn't have made it by myself.

Thanks Mrs. Donna, Mom, and Audra for helping me through this terrible time.


AA said...

Wow, I am so glad he is better. Having a baby in the hospital is by far the hardest thing we have been through as parents. So glad he is better!

Christina Staggs said...

Poor baby, and poor you! I am so glad to hear that he is better. What an awful thing for you to have to go through. You are very blessed to have so much help and support from your family! I'm praying that you will all be well soon!!

Shea said...

Oh my! You must have been terrified! I'm so glad everything is OK.

amber leann said...

WOW, soooo super scary! So sorry you had to go through all of that. I can't even begin to imagine! Praying that all stays better now!!