Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Back to Normal


Well things are back to normal…thank goodness.  All babies are well, Mrs. Sandra is back, and my sanity has returned..ha! 

Last weekend E and I went to Memphis to celebrate Katy’s birthday with a bunch of our friends.  We stayed at the Peabody and I got to sleep in a little.  It was my first night away from both babies.  I had been away from Bax when Sawyer was in the hospital.  Nonna came and stayed with the kids…thanks Nonna!


The babies are looking at each other all the time.  I love it, I could sit for hours and watch them.  I can’t wait to continue to watch them interact as they get older.  IMG_4398

These are some pics from Sheridan.  Sam was so proud he had dressed himself…notice his shorts on backwards.IMG_4397 Sweet Sawyer feeling better:)


IMG_4430Sam goofing around our house.  One cool dude!

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