Friday, January 30, 2009


So, we all get tucked into bed Tuesday night and around 10:30 the lights go out. So we got up, found some clothes using the flashlight, got Sam, and headed to E’s parents. We get all tucked in there and around 11:30 the power goes out there. It was okay though because they have gas heaters so we were warm. Thank goodness we didn’t have school Wednesday. Donna, Kendall, Sam, and I went to Wynne and spent the day with Jac Jac. Blake came in from Jonesboro because she couldn’t stand to miss family fun fest. E was headed to buy a generator when he found power at the bottoms…oh yeah! For those of you familiar with the bottoms you understand my sarcasm. So we packed everything up to head to the bottoms when Sam and Donna’s power came back on. I was so glad!!! So we spent another night with them. Thursday afternoon they had our lights back on and it felt so good to sleep in my own big bed.

1 comment:

Mickey and Jessica said...

sorry you didn't have power. HOWEVER, as a "friend" you should have stopped by to visit us! Some friend.